IP3 will once again be presenting a Thematic Workshop at WSIS in Geneva from 8 to 12 April 2019. The workshop is titled “How do we maximise the benefits of Innovative 4.0 technologies, without unnecessary risks and consequences?”.

As Innovative 4.0 Technologies including AI and algorithmic decision-making bring economic and societal benefits in many areas of our human endeavors.

The workshop will discuss:

  1. Life and Enterprise with Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0 and the 5th Machine Age—investments, the landscape, disruptive technologies, and Economic Opportunities. A flavour of the growth of the 5th Machine Age, and the hottest trends.
  2. Cyber-security – A multi-disciplinary approach: Why everyone must be involved, Examples like Australia including in the school curriculum.
  3. Initiatives in promoting IT professionalism across Europe – The standardisation of all four pillars of the ICT profession in Europe is led by TC428 which is part of the European Committee for Standardisation. It is supported by IT Professionalism Europe network which brings together stakeholders to exchange best practice in maturing the IT profession. 
  4. Frameworks to support digital skills – People are the distinctive factor. Frameworks can help make digital skills visible.
  5. What is IFIP doing in response to these challenges?

For more about the WSIS and the IFIP IP3 session go to