IP3 Global Industry Council is pleased to announce the release of the report.
At a time of vast change in the digital world, skills, talent and the need to produce reliable computer systems has never been so crucial to organisations. Businesses are challenged to remain competitive in a global economy; academics are pressured to deliver candidates with the right, current skills; and governments need to harness that talent to drive GDP. ICT professionals themselves are surprised at the pace of change and the ever increasing need to understanding changing systems, convergence of technologies, platform skills and why all of this is relevant to their business.
Not only do we see hot new jobs entering the ICT environment – Data Scientists, Cloud Architects, Mobile technology experts are a few that come to mind – but some jobs that have been around for a long time such as Software Engineers, Computer Analysts, and Project Managers are facing unprecedented pressure from the micro- and macro-environment. There is more and more emphasis on innovation. At the same time we must continue to nurture trust in ICT professionals – to do this we have to ensure that they continuously develop skills to keep their knowledge current.
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