IP3 Standards and Accreditation Council


The Standards and Accreditation Council (SAC) provides independent advice to the IP3 Board on standards and management of the accreditation functions of IP3.

Decisions of the SAC will be forwarded as recommendations to the Board for ratification through the Vice-Chair – Professional Standards and Accreditation. The Board may ratify the decisions or send back to the SAC for review with comments.

Role and function of the SAC

The role and function of the SAC is to:

  1. Establish and maintain standards, policies, and procedures for the accreditation function

  2. Manage the accreditation function, including the recruitment, appointment, and training of assessors

  3. Ensure compliance with the standards, policies, and procedures and ensure consistency of decisions by assessment panels, including an audit function if required

  4. Provide an assistance service to IP3 members in planning for accreditation provided that such assistance service does not compromise standards or the integrity and independence of the assessment process

  5. Establish a working relationship with the Seoul Accord.

Meeting Modes

The SAC conducts its business via digital means typically but, if circumstances warrant and subject to funding, it may meet in face-to-face mode.

Membership of the SAC

The IP3 SAC consists of the following:

  1. The Board Vice Chair: Professional Standards and Accreditation (as Chair)

  2. The Chief Assessor who is appointed by the SAC

  3. Nominees of two member associations who have experience in standards and accreditation and are not members of the Board

  4. One member nominated by IFIP who is not a member of the Board and is engaged in research into IT professionalism issues within the IFIP Technical Committees/Working Groups.

  5. Three members nominated by the IP3 Global Industry Council

  6. One nominee from the Seoul Accord 1 (observer status only).

1 The Seoul Accord is an internal agreement between those organisations that accredit educational programs for IT and the IT-related professions.