The support of the international employer community and academia is critical to IP3’s goal of building ICT professionalism globally. Recognizing this criticality, IP3 has established the Global Industry Council (GIC) as the principal forum within which ICT employers and educators can engage with IP3 and influence the development of the global profession.
Global Industry Council Directors are specially nominated and invited to serve within the UN-rooted body as internationally recognized luminary executives, thought leaders, and visionaries and for their strong history of providing substantive contributions to global business, industry, society, education, and governments.
The IFIP/IP3 GIC is a first of its kind focusing on Computing as a Profession, which will further align computing with organizational strategy and business agility driving innovation, entrepreneurship, business growth, regional GDP growth, high yield investment opportunities, and regional economic development. Global GDP is over 70 Trillion USD and the global program for computing as spearheaded by IP3 and IP3-GIC will be a catalyst for a more than a 20% increase in global GDP in the next 10 years to over 85 Trillion USD.
GIC is intended to create a vehicle for organizations to:
- Provide a global forum under the auspices of a UNESCO-consultative body for the frank and open discussion of matters of common interest;
- Demonstrate a public commitment to professional IT standards;
- Play a real and active part in developing the global IT Profession;
- Provide detailed comment of the certification requirement and on the shape and content of development and support services for professionals; and
- Provide valuable support to the growth of IT capability within
developing nations.
GIC will also create a mechanism for the IP3 Board to:
- Obtain valuable, independent input from industry; and
- Engage with outside organizations and keep them interested and actively involved in IP3.
- Provide a neutral venue for sharing issues and solutions of interest to major global organizations, with facilitation by IP3, if desired;
- Assist IP3 in enabling projects to further the goals of IP3 in developing nations;
- Articulate the needs of industry to IP3, specifically those which can be addressed though IT professionalism, certification, and activities related to the IP3 mandate;
- Review current or proposed IP3 standards, programs or policies in order to advise on their effectiveness in industry;
- Propose specific initiatives aside from accreditation and IT professional standards which IP3 may wish to undertake in order to collaborate more effectively with industry and specific outside groups;
- Offer expert advice and insight in an effort to help IP3 remain responsive to the needs of industry with respect to IT professionals, professional skills and competence;
- Recommend individuals who can make a valuable contribution to the work of the IP3 Professional Standards Council;
- Discuss ways in which GIC and individual Council members may help to advance the IP3 cause; and
- Provide the Board and Members of IP3 with access to industry leaders and help them build enduring relationships and networks.